Channel: Steve – SlimDoggy
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SlimDoggy and K9Kamp – A Perfect Match!


k9kamp canine fitness blog challengeThank Dog its FitDog Friday!  This week, we are announcing our participation in the K9Kamp fitness challenge, hosted by our friends Peggy Frezon and Kol’s Notes.

What is K9Kamp?

K9Kamp is a blogging event to motivate and encourage exercise and bonding with our dogs (and yes, cats can participate!)  We issue a fitness challenge, and you and your dog participate on your own. Then come back and blog about the results. This is open to non-bloggers too. We’ll tell you how.

Why We are Participating?

We are participating in K9Kamp because we believe that dogs (and humans) need to be active in order to live a long and healthy life.  As we always say, “Movement is life and blood flow means vitality”.  We have written many articles about the benefits of exercising your dog and K9Kamp gives people another reason to “get off their butts and workout with their mutts”. We also hope that we and our fellow featured bloggers will be able to recruit a lot of readers to participate so that we can collectively build a group of dogs and people that commit to a sustainable level of fitness- not just for the Kamp, but as a lifestyle.

Who else is participating?
We join a great group of fellow bloggers as a Featured Blogger for the Kamp which means we will all have great activities and suggestions for getting fit the whole month, so check them out:


How We Will Participate?

SlimDoggy Jack is a very fit dog!  As we have previously reported, he was once borderline obese (and on Prozac) but since we rescued him, he has become a true ‘doglete’ (dog athlete).  Jack gets a minimum of 30 minutes, and often twice that amount or more, of moderate to intense exercise each day- mostly running (fast) and walking.  Essentially, Jack does a K9Kamp challenge very day!

With that said, we are going to use the challenge to motivate us to more regularly incorporate alternative types of exercises into Jack’s weekly

SlimDoggy App

SlimDoggy App

regimens.  That means performing speed and directional drills, using resistance (our k9fitvest), and working on our core strengthening programs– and doing these more often during the challenge.  We will be monitoring Jack’s activities, calorie burns, and using the Kamp as a laboratory of sorts to see how Jack’s physique and fitness level changes given the changes in his fitness programs.

How Can You Participate?

Join us!  Every blogger and reader who has a dog should make every attempt to tackle the challenge. We will be accepting reader stories about their challenge experience and will publish these on our site.  SlimDoggy will also offer – to the first 20 participating readers – a free SlimDoggy App.  Simply fill out the form below and we will send you a special code to redeem in the Apple app store.  SlimDoggy will also answer all of our reader questions that are related to participation in the challenge, including questions on different types of exercises, and food serving and ingredient questions.  Questions can be submitted via comments or the contact us form here.


fitDogFriday_avatarPlease enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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