For those of you that follow us on FaceBook (and you all should!), you saw this story over the weekend. Here’s the dirty details.
Jack is usually pretty well behaved. The only thing he does is get a little wound up when he’s on the scent of an animal in the yard or on the trails. And he has a little OCD for coyotes and coyote poop.
One of his favorite things is to lick the pans after I’ve grilled some meat or the bowl after I’ve had a dish of yogurt. For those of you that are grossed out that I let my dog eat from our dishes…too bad. It’s not like I don’t WASH them after he does it, I do.
On Saturday I bought a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. When I was finished cutting it up, I had a paper plate I had used for bones and the plastic container it came in. I gave Maggie the paper plate (minus the bones) and Jack the bottom of the plastic container to lick. I went about my business and promptly forgot about it.
A little later, Steve says to me, what’s this and he picks up this odd shaped black thing off Jack’s bed. It’s the chicken dish, mangled with a big chunk of it missing.
I’m envisioning trips to the Emergency Vet on Sunday to treat a terrible blockage of some type caused by the ingestion of that piece of plastic and cursing myself for not paying attention and taking the container away sooner! Jack usually has an iron stomach – but that was a pretty big piece of plastic to ingest.
There is a happy ending to the story though. On Sunday morning, as I was walking out to our deck, I happened to notice a small black thing on the floor under the dining room table. Yes, it was the missing piece of plastic. So, I stopped worrying – although there are a few little pieces still missing, well, they aren’t really missing, I know exactly where they are.
We’re joining the Mischief Monday Blog Hop even though the mischief occurred on Saturday. Monday we are going to the BEACH, so maybe Jack will find more mischief to get into there. Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Thanks to our Hosts: Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, Luna Dogs Life and My Brown Newfies